Mohair Bias Loop was my mindless distraction project during the year-long hat binge. The yarn is Artfibers Tsuki, which is every bit as lovely as Kidsilk Haze, but is available in giant cones! I had just enough left over from a Muir shawl to make this little number.

This is a meaningful yarn in my knitting history-- Muir was the first challenging project I attempted, and I think it marked my transition from "someone who knits" to full-blown "knitter". I think it's appropriate that the remains of this yarn are going to my friend Nicole-- freshman year of college (this would be January of 1999) we took our first knitting class together. I remember her knitting a scarf from Kidsilk Haze that winter-- I wonder if she still has it? She's always been a big fan of mohair, so I have a feeling this will be right up her alley.
Also in the mail, to me this time: a set of Hiya Hiya interchangeable needles! I'm not sure how I feel about them yet, but I really like the idea of them... though given my recent interchangeable fail, I should probably be wary.
It's beautiful - and very Nicole-esque! I fondly remember being SO INCREDIBLY JEALOUS of your rapid acquisition of knitting skills that winter. And sitting in your common room, while you and Nicole had pretty pieces flying off your needles, I swore like a sailor whle I struggled to make garter-stitch sleeping bags for my finger puppets.